Texas Fishing LLC proudly carries Kasco Marine fountains and aerators. Whether you're looking for something beautiful to enjoy from your dock, or a system to provide adequate oxygen for your fish and pond's ecosystem, we have a solution for you. We service all sizes of water bodies.
When the sun is shining, plants put oxygen into the water. Lack of sunshine caused by sudden overcast weather blocks photosynthesis in aquatic vegetation (whether it’s lily pads or a beneficial planktonic algae bloom). Overnight, plants and fish utilize the oxygen produced during the daylight hours. If the plants/fish use more oxygen than is available, a fish kill occurs. When no oxygen has the chance to be produced during the day due to overcast weather, that is typically when we see fish kills happen. This can occur very rapidly and with little warning; all it takes are a few consecutive hours of low oxygen conditions to cause a fish kill.
Hot water is less capable of retaining oxygen molecules than cooler water. This is another reason that fish kills typically happen during the summer months.
While this might seem counterintuitive, wind mixing causes deeper water, which has low oxygen concentrations, to suddenly mix with surface water and reduce the overall pond oxygen supply very rapidly. In addition, chemical byproducts in deep pond water, such as carbon dioxide, can further stress fish when a pond is mixed by high winds. This is the same reason that diffused aeration systems must be slowly phased in on a timer when added to ponds, so as to prevent a sudden pond turnover.
The main, most important difference between an aerator and a fountain in a pond is their intended purpose. A fountain is primarily installed for aesthetic purposes and relaxing ambient noise - they are decorative, with only slight/secondary benefits added in the way of water oxygenation. An aerator is installed specifically to introduce oxygen to the water for the overall health of the pond. Fountains are beautiful and certainly a great addition to any pond, but do not rely on them solely for aeration purposes. If anything, we would recommend coupling a fountain with an aeration system for best results.
There are several benefits to using an aerator in a pond:
What are the common culprits of fish kill events?
Fish kills due to oxygen deprivation can occur for a variety of reasons, including:
5490 FM 36 South, Caddo Mills, TX 75135, US
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